- 軟件大小:20.41M
- 軟件語言:英文
- 軟件類型:國產軟件
- 軟件類別:免費軟件(jiàn) / 教育學習
- 更新時間:2015-09-28 15:36
- 運行環境:androids
- 軟(ruǎn)件等級:
- 軟件廠商:
- 官方網站:http://www.ynaad.com

My Study Life app(我的學習生活)是一款用來管理學習,安排學(xué)習計劃的手機(jī)軟件。這是一款專為(wéi)學生設計的應用程序,可自動根據手機日期適應某些學校的單雙周課(kè)程表。無論是中高考、考研,還是備考各種(zhǒng)其它考試,有(yǒu)了(le)它,便能合理安排時間,提高學習效率了,趕緊下載來安排你(nǐ)的學習吧!
5、程序還支持(chí)Windows phones的Live Tile。讓你不必進入程序就能對當天的學習任務了如指掌。
My Study Life is a cross-platform planner for students, teachers and lecturers designed to make your study life easier to manage. My Study Life allows you to store your classes, homework and exams in the cloud making it available on any device, wherever you are.
Unlike a paper planner or school diary, My Study Life integrates all areas of your academic life - see homework due and overdue for classes, classes which conflict with your exams and even add revision tasks for a specific exam - all in a free, easy to use application. Far from your standard calendar, My Study Life is optimized to work for your school life right from the start with support for week and day rotation schedules. Add your classes and view them in a beautiful, instantly identifiable, familiar week view.
My Study Life seamlessly syncs your data between devices, allowing you to use the app even when offline. You can add a task on the move from your phones or tablet and it will be instantly available on the web app.
With My Study Life you can...
Track your tasks - homework, assignments, reminders and revision. Store your tasks with ease in the cloud, accessible anywhere.
Store exams - keep those all important exams alongside your classes and revision tasks.
Manage your classes - your paper planner, turbocharged. Supporting day and week rotation timetables, advanced academic year/term support and integration into tasks you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.
Get notified - reminders for unfinished tasks, upcoming exams and classes before they even start.
Share – My Study Life allows teachers to create and share their timetable securely with students in the same school (currently in private beta).
Also available on iphoness, Windows 8, Windows phones and the web.
不同於紙規劃師或(huò)學校的日記,我的學(xué)習生活整合你的學術生活的各個領域 - 見到期,逾期(qī)類家庭作業,班相衝突(tū)與你的考試,甚至可以添加任務(wù),調整為特定的(de)考試 - 都在一個免(miǎn)費的,易於使用的應用程序。遠離你的標準日(rì)曆,我的學習生活進行了優(yōu)化,為您的學校生活從一開(kāi)始就與周天(tiān)循環時間表的(de)支持。加入你的(de)類並查看他們在一個美麗的瞬間識別,熟悉的周視圖。
跟蹤你的(de)任務 - 功課,作業,提(tí)醒(xǐng)和修訂。輕鬆在雲中存儲您的任務,訪問任何地方。
商店考試 - 讓那些所有重要考試旁邊類和修訂任(rèn)務。
管理類 - 你(nǐ)的論文(wén)規劃師,渦輪增壓。支持一天,一周輪換時間表,先進的學年/學(xué)期的支持和整合到任務,你會想知道你曾經生活離不(bú)開它。
得到通知 - 提醒未完成(chéng)的任務,即將到來的考試和(hé)課程之前,他(tā)們甚至開始。
分享 - 我的學(xué)習生活(huó)讓教師創建和學生(目前處(chù)於內部測試階段),同一所學校的安全地共享他們的時間表。
也可以在iphoness,Windows 8中(zhōng),Windows手機和網絡。